That Get the Results You Want©
How to quickly write compelling health and fitness articles and blog posts that get the results you want
If you currently write health and fitness articles and/or guest blog posts, or you want to start soon, you probably already recognize how it can boost your credibility and income.
Now comes the most important part: Creating articles and blog posts that get more of the positive results you want, whether you contribute to a community website, major health magazine, high-traffic blog or your own client newsletter.
If you write (or want to write) articles and blog posts to …
- promote yourself or business in magazines and as a guest blogger
- publish on your health or fitness website or blog
- put in your client newsletters
- circulate on the web and social media
- educate others about health and fitness
- create new revenue streams
… Anatomy of an Article can help you reach your goals more easily and quickly.

Insider advice on how to shape your articles from start to finish
Anatomy of an Article shows you how to write health and fitness articles and blog posts that your readers, editors, social followers and clients/prospects enjoy. That’s the true key to writing and blogging success.
When people like your articles and blog posts—and want to read them—they’re more likely to share your content and be impressed with you as a health/fitness expert and writer or blogger. The benefit: It’s much easier to get the results you want.
These results might include:
- Increasing demand for your services and social content
- Boosting your reputation and credibility as a health/fitness pro or blogger
- Getting more word of mouth, recognition and compliments on your writing
- Receiving interesting spin-off opportunities for your career (e.g., presenting, publicity, brand sponsorships, book deals, business alliances)
- Directing more visitors to your website or blog
- Adding more subscribers to your e-newsletter list
- Attracting more followers and comments/shares on social media
- Selling more of your products and/or services
- Scoring a regular column online or in your community
- Getting repeat assignments at magazines and blog posts that pay
Turn your health/fitness know-how into attention-getting and click-worthy articles and blog posts
Order Anatomy of an Article today and receive a valuable, success-generating guide to writing articles and blog posts that get the results you’re after (such as more paychecks, more customers and more recognition).

Here’s what you receive with Anatomy of an Article:
PART 1: Getting Started
The four elements for achieving article-writing and blogging success, and how to ensure your articles and blog posts have those elements.
- How to establish productivity so you write faster and with greater ease.
- Five ways to boost writing and blogging efficiency—these are strategies many health/fitness pros and bloggers don’t take full advantage of.
PART 2: Writing Your Article or Blog Post’s Lead
- Insider tips for crushing writer’s block.
- A surprising trick for ensuring your article or blog post grabs the attention you want (this trick also helps you complete your articles or blog posts more quickly).
- How to create a lead (i.e., your article or blog post’s opening section) that satisfies up to four important criteria.
- 13 clear-cut formulas for writing compelling leads that motivate people to read your articles or blog posts.
- 16 samples and in-depth explanations you can follow to successfully create your own article or blog-post leads.
- How to write leads for short items and fillers (i.e., those one-paragraph blurbs that the big magazines love to print).
- Step-by-step breakdowns of how not to write a lead.
- The simple word choices that instantly make your writing more interesting and lively.
- An insider tip about where to find inspiration for writing your article or blog post’s lead.
PART 3: Writing the Body of Your Article or Blog Post
- Four steps every health and fitness writer/blogger must know for creating compelling articles.
- Key considerations that should be at the top of your mind when you’re preparing an article or blog post.
- A simple-to-follow outline you can use to create a roadmap for your own articles or blog posts.
- The speediest, simplest thing you can do to make article-writing easier for yourself—and a more enjoyable reading experience for others.
- How to get readers to start reading—and keep reading—your articles or blog posts, from start to finish.
- A 20-second technique for writing “tips articles” that most health and fitness pros and bloggers don’t even consider.
- An important element that almost any health/fitness article or blog post must contain to impress editors and readers (and one that many health/fitness writers and bloggers neglect to add).
- Must-know protocol for citing health stats and research in your articles or blog posts.
- How to portray a professional image when quoting interviewees.
- What not to quote in an article about health and fitness.
- How to decide when you need expert sources for your articles or blog posts and when your own expertise as a health/fitness professional should take center stage.
PART 4: Wrapping Up Your Article or Blog Post
- How to end your article or blog post with maximum impact.
- What you can do in the conclusion to help motivate your readers to take action—i.e., visit your website, read more blog posts, buy from you, contact you, engage on social media, make positive changes toward a healthier lifestyle, etc.
- Six insider strategies for creating a conclusion with purpose and impact.
- Five samples and explanations you can follow to create your own article or blog post conclusions.
- Guidelines for when to create sidebars, and why editors love them so much.
- 10 ways to use a sidebar.
- What to expect when receiving payment for your articles or guest blogging.
Appendix A: Article Case Study
- A step-by-step breakdown of a health/fitness article, including what works, what doesn’t and what you can do to easily improve your own pieces.
Appendix B: Fitness Writing Q & A
- Insider tips on how to excel at writing about health and fitness
- What every health/fitness writer needs to know about breaking into large magazines.
- Why your fitness know-how can help you get ahead in the world of fitness writing and blogging.
- How to attract (and keep) the attention of busy editors at magazines and blogs.

How long is this e-book?
60 pages
What does it cost?
To help my fitness colleagues who are facing a significant drop in revenue due to the COVID-19 crisis, I have decided to offer this e-book for free. If you are able to, my hope is that you will donate the $29 this e-book normally costs (or any amount) to a good cause of your choice that is helping frontline healthcare workers and/or your community during this time.
Now both my e-books are free: How to Write Winning Queries and Anatomy of an Article.
How is this e-book delivered?
After you purchase the e-book, you’ll receive access to a page containing a link to Anatomy of an Article as a PDF download. Simply save the e-book to your computer or mobile and refer to it as often as you like. (You may also request that it be emailed to you as a PDF document if you prefer.)
In 100 words or less, what is Anatomy of an Article?
Anatomy of an Article is a 60-page e-book about how to turn your health and fitness know-how into compelling and educational articles and blog posts that bring you the attention and career opportunities you crave. Based on the experience and expertise of a professional magazine writer and blogger in the health/fitness space, Anatomy of an Article: How to Quickly Write Compelling Articles and Blog Posts That Get the Results You Want provides insider insight, actionable advice and replicable case studies designed to save you time as you write impactful health/fitness articles and blog posts.
Who created this e-book?
Amanda Vogel (that’s me!) created this e-book. I hold a Master’s degree in human kinetics and am a certified fitness instructor. I’ve spent years educating fitness pros about health/fitness writing and blogging at the most popular conferences in the industry, including IDEA World, ACSM, IHRSA, NASM Optima and canfitpro. In addition to coauthoring two books on health/fitness, I’ve become a successful and prolific magazine writer and guest blogger by contributing to top magazines and blogs, including IDEA Fitness Journal, ACE Certified, NASM/AFAA Blog, Best Health, Oxygen, Clean Eating, Today’s Parent, Chatelaine, Cooking Light, Health, Fit Pregnancy, Fitness, Self, Shape, Women’s Health, Reader’s Digest and Prevention.