Even though I’ve been writing about health and fitness for years, diving into a new assignment still sometimes rattles my nerves. And blogging too. Even posting a caption I really care about on Instagram ties my stomach in knots. Maybe it’s the same for you?
It’s about putting yourself out there and wanting to do a good job.
I still remember the day I got my first article assignment for a small, community magazine. I was a wreck. My dream was to be a freelance fitness writer and get repeat assignments. I didn’t want to disappoint my editor or look like an idiot.
Success as a Health and Fitness Writer
I had lots to learn back then. With practice, my confidence and skills steadily improved. But when I scored my first big break with a major fitness magazine in the U.S.—Shape—I got nervous all over again!
Despite my fears, I became successful as a freelancer. Not because I’m the world’s greatest fitness writer. It’s because I was (and am) eager to learn. And I’ve learned from a slew of skilled editors and writers at top health and fitness magazines and blogs. Plus, I’ve been persistent. I take action.
There’s another reason for my success though: I figured out the right “formula” for writing health/fitness articles and blog posts.
Yes, there’s actually a system—a series of tricks and strategies—you can use to make writing any article or blog post quicker, easier and less nerve-wracking. Even now, I use this system with every article and blog post I write. Here’s where to find it: Anatomy of an Article: How to Quickly Write Compelling Articles and Blog Posts That Get the Results You Want.