Fitness Blogging Gone Wrong

The photo here cracks me up. I imagine it came about when people on a photo shoot who don’t have much exercise experience said, “Hey, let’s take some fun fitness-y shots now!” And what we get are silly pink mini-weights, leg warmers (and are those wrist warmers?) and fake fitness poses that don’t resemble actual exercises.

But whatever. 

We can laugh it off, knowing that this fanciful image doesn’t represent fitness IRL. But it reminds me that there’s probably a fitness blogging equivalent to this story in the fitness industry. 

That’s Not a Blog Post 

Over the years, a lot of fitness marketers have insisted that you’ve got to have a blog, and so fitness companies slap them onto their websites without much care. Too bad, the result is some fitness brands launch blogs that don’t feel or look very “blogg-y,” IMO. The posts are as poser as that fitness stock photo above.

Is it so wrong of them though?

Maybe not. But I have a soft spot for the craft of writing. When blog posts are boring, academic, overly lengthy and egregiously meandering, then, yeah, it’s veering away from the essence of blogging.

I can’t authoritatively say all that a blog is, but I know what it probably shouldn’t be: impersonal, dry, a copy/paste job from another publication, longer than my Master’s thesis…

Blogging is an exercise in being thoughtful and informed, not just prolific. Without considering the craft involved, it becomes about as effective as flailing around a couple of one-pound dumbbells and calling it a workout.

Learn to write and blog with impact: Anatomy of an Article: How to Quickly Write Compelling Articles and Blog Posts That Get the Results You Want.



  1. October 25, 2010 / 9:04 pm

    Good post. With the advent of social media, I see blog audiences blurring the lines of experience between blog reading and social post reading. Seems successful blogs offer a unique rich experience, but one that is heavily reminiscent of enjoyable social media. (First time commenter – As someone who is trying to refine her focus in her own blog, I'm always happy when something new from you pops up in Google Reader.)

  2. October 26, 2010 / 6:48 pm

    I blog a couple times per month and my content is different than what you'd find elsewhere by me. My dad, who is a college professor, makes fun of my grammar in my blog. I keep telling him, it's a blog not a textbook! (I just downloaded the same picture yesterday.)

  3. October 26, 2010 / 7:19 pm

    Always great to read your posts and insights. I taught a student Kinesiologist to write to the audience of our blog in an informative, yet entertaining way rather than the academic tone she is used to needing for research papers. Long posts lose my attention. Short, sweet and to one topic is how I like them.

    Have you read “Problogger”?

  4. October 26, 2010 / 8:06 pm

    Thanks for your comments. Ann, I like what you say about people looking for what's reminiscent of the social media experience in blogs. I agree! When you think of what makes an update or conversation especially attention-worthy in Facebook, it helps clarify what makes a good blog. You can find articles anywhere online, but blogs are a different form of media.

    Sara and Alfred, yes, it took me a long time to kick the academic-speak habit. Part of what I like about blogging is that I can be even more conversational than in most of the articles I write. (Sara, don't you love the free istockphoto images? This one helped me generate the topic for this post.)

    Alfred, yes I read Problogger. Another excellent one is Copyblogger.

  5. October 29, 2010 / 7:59 pm

    Can anyone possibly explain what it is that those care-free workout girls are supposedly doing in that picture? 🙂

  6. April 14, 2013 / 5:55 am

    The phrase “thoughtful and informed, not just prolific.” is the one I particularly agree with. I would also add “truthful” because there is so much untruthful information concerning fitness on the web that it becomes almost impossible to find something worthwhile.

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